Happy Birth Day !!!

Wish you many many Happy returns of the day from MoonAstro

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What is special on your birth day ? Or what is unique on your birth day. Yes, this day every year Sun will be exactly on the same place with respect to Earth as Earth takes a whole year to rotate around Sun. Every one born on this day will have Sun with same degree in birth chart. And this means a lot to an astrologer. This information can generalize some of the basic characteristics of your character, life, health, family life, career, nature, finance, etc. Both, Astrology and Numerology predicts based upon this information. Point to be noted here is that every one with same birth date will have same sun sign in birth chart or horoscope.

Astrology calculations depends on all the planetary positions, hence only position of Sun will not be enough in Astrology, but some or lot of information can still be predicted. MoonAstro has detail coverage of all the birth dated in Numerology section from January 1st to December 31st. This information not only predicted but also applied on huge sample to verify its accuracy and modified it accordingly.

Famous Persons born today on December, 22 are listed bellow. They are historian, Film actors, Politician, Leaders, Artists, Scientists, Novel Winners, etc.

Famous PersonBorn On
George H Bailey 22/12/1896
Lorraine Baldwin 22/12/1924
Lindsay Marie Bay 22/12/1985
Lauralee Kristen Bell 22/12/1968
Max Bill 22/12/1908
Pierre Ossian Bonnet 22/12/1819
Pierre Brasseur 22/12/1905
Pierre Chassaignac 22/12/1804
Pamela Susan Courson 22/12/1946
Maurice Gibb 22/12/1949
Robin Gibb 22/12/1949
Lady Bird Johnson 22/12/1912
Juanita Katt 22/12/1953
Howard Edward Lang 22/12/1934
Antoine Mariotte 22/12/1875
Bernard Michel 22/12/1929
Diana Petrungaro 22/12/1987
Giacomo Puccini 22/12/1858
Srinivasa Ramanujan 22/12/1887
Sarada Ma 22/12/1853
Ad Strack Van Schijndel 22/12/1922
Karen K Spahn 22/12/1941
Edgar Varese 22/12/1883
Hyacinthe Jean Vincent 22/12/1862
Patricia White 22/12/1938
Jarren Winner 22/12/1987
Marc Allégret 22/12/1900
Noel Howlett 22/12/1902
Pierre Brasseur 22/12/1905
Fred M. Wilcox 22/12/1906
Alan Carney 22/12/1909
Patricia Hayes 22/12/1909
Fred Kennedy 22/12/1909
Mahmoud Al Meleji 22/12/1910
Richard Ainley 22/12/1910
Danny O'Dea 22/12/1911
Charles Dugan 22/12/1912
José Antonio Nieves Conde 22/12/1915
Buddy Lewis 22/12/1916
Helen Burns 22/12/1916
Gene Rayburn 22/12/1917
Paul Larson 22/12/1920
Károly Makk 22/12/1925
Penelope Bartley 22/12/1925
Hajrudin Krvavac 22/12/1926
Marylou Connors 22/12/1926
Ronnie Cosby 22/12/1927
Douglas Robinson 22/12/1928
Barbara Billingsley 22/12/1930
Frances Bennett 22/12/1930
MacIntyre Dixon 22/12/1931
Cece Whitney 22/12/1933
Elizabeth Hubbard 22/12/1933
Dodie Marshall 22/12/1934
Paulo Rocha 22/12/1935
Emil Sitka 22/12/1936
James Burke 22/12/1936
Bill Saito 22/12/1936
Manoj Mitra 22/12/1938
Marian Collins 22/12/1938
Tony Scotti 22/12/1939
Al Ferrara 22/12/1939
Sudhir Pandey 22/12/1940
Lanna Saunders 22/12/1941
Peter Helm 22/12/1941
Bert Michaels 22/12/1943
Roger Walker 22/12/1944
Elizabeth James 22/12/1944
Diane Sawyer 22/12/1945
Craig Denault 22/12/1946
Pam Courson 22/12/1946
Karin Dicker 22/12/1947
Peter Whitman 22/12/1947
Lynne Thigpen 22/12/1948
Rick Nielsen 22/12/1948
Flip Mark 22/12/1948
Lynette Fromme 22/12/1949
Graham Beckel 22/12/1949
Doval'e Glickman 22/12/1949
Maurice Gibb 22/12/1949
Robin Gibb 22/12/1949
Roy Underhill 22/12/1950
Franc Luz 22/12/1950
María Antonieta de las Nieves 22/12/1950
Dan Martin 22/12/1951
Marcy Hanson 22/12/1952
Dan Stanton 22/12/1952
Don Stanton 22/12/1952
Ray Underwood 22/12/1953
Jay Brazeau 22/12/1953
Anna Galiena 22/12/1954
Hugh Quarshie 22/12/1954
Ron Greschner 22/12/1954
Peggy Ashcroft 22/12/1956
Ray Lui 22/12/1956
Marie Rivière 22/12/1956
Simon Westaway 22/12/1958
David Heavener 22/12/1958
Tracy-Louise Ward 22/12/1958
Marijam Agischewa 22/12/1958
Vincent Lascoumes 22/12/1959
Wolf Larson 22/12/1959
Kunto Ojansivu 22/12/1959
Jean Michel Basquiat 22/12/1960
Luther Campbell 22/12/1960
Sabrina Plisco 22/12/1961
Eric Kelso 22/12/1962
Ralph Fiennes 22/12/1962
Shayne Anderson 22/12/1964
Victoria Alonso 22/12/1965
David S. Goyer 22/12/1965
María Pujalte 22/12/1966
Shan Jiang 22/12/1967
Valeriu Andriuta 22/12/1967
Juan Manuel Bernal 22/12/1967
Ted Cruz 22/12/1970
Sean Bell 22/12/1970
Mathias Sercu 22/12/1970
Deborah Twiss 22/12/1971
Pat Mastroianni 22/12/1971
Kathy Wittes 22/12/1971
Xawery Zulawski 22/12/1971
Asuka Kurosawa 22/12/1971
Vanessa Paradis 22/12/1972
Matthew Robert Kelly 22/12/1972
Iván Kamarás 22/12/1972
Thunderbird Dinwiddie 22/12/1973
Abdolreza Kahani 22/12/1973
Laura Drasbæk 22/12/1974
Heather Donahue 22/12/1974
BernNadette Stanis 22/12/1974
Phoebe McEnery 22/12/1974
Scott Thomas 22/12/1975
Elle Travis 22/12/1975
Manu Payet 22/12/1975
Remo Vinzens 22/12/1975
Rafael Pettersson 22/12/1976
Maria Erwolter 22/12/1976
Max Wiedemann 22/12/1977
John-Paul Nickel 22/12/1978
Stewart Hendler 22/12/1978
Nick Moorcroft 22/12/1978
Amanda Baker 22/12/1979
Gregor Fisher 22/12/1979
Darri Ingolfsson 22/12/1979
Chris Carmack 22/12/1980
Karin Hanczewski 22/12/1981
Anna Antonowicz 22/12/1981
Nicolas Vaporidis 22/12/1981
Brandi Cunningham 22/12/1981
Brooke Nevin 22/12/1982
Loretta Yu 22/12/1982
Tatiana Sokolova 22/12/1982
Andrew Hankinson 22/12/1983
Jennifer Hawkins 22/12/1983
Joe Dinicol 22/12/1983
Mark Bogatyryov 22/12/1984
Greg Finley 22/12/1984
Paul Jake Castillo 22/12/1984
Tijana Pecencic 22/12/1986
Kaila Amariah 22/12/1986
Dayton Sinkia 22/12/1986
Danny Verduzco 22/12/1986
Natalie Nourigat 22/12/1987
Logan Huffman 22/12/1989
Jordin Sparks Thomas 22/12/1989
Gianna Simone 22/12/1989
Jaime Olías 22/12/1989
Jean-Baptiste Maunier 22/12/1990
Sylwia Gola 22/12/1990
Samantha Burton 22/12/1991
Ashton Moio 22/12/1991
Dong Jin 22/12/1993
Meghan Trainor 22/12/1993
Aliana Lohan 22/12/1993
Nick Galarza 22/12/1993
Ilayda Çevik 22/12/1994
Jeff Wood 22/12/1994
Omar J. Dorsey 22/12/1994
Naman Mishra 22/12/1996
Dina Meyer 22/12/2002
Alinne Moraes 22/12/2002
Neel Sethi 22/12/2003

Above listed persons are famous due to various field or reasons who are leaving as an example of what a birthday can impact as a result. For an example there may me a day in a year in which only soldiers are born. Or there can be a day in which great artist only born. Example of the biography helps us guiding our life path to choose the right direction or take preventive action or precaution for any bad thing that may happen in our life. Again please note that Sun Sign is not the only factor that drives ones life so, there may be several other factors in the person born on the same day. As per Indian vedic astrology birth star is and moon sign is more important to determine ones life and destiny. There are several common factors as per Sun’s position which is discussed here only. So follow the guideline given in the detail of the person born today from the link above.